Easter holiday Harinam in London (4 min video)

"Sankirtan will always be appreciated because it is the special blessings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu on the people of this fallen age of Kali" Letter to Achyutananda 1975 The general public of London are appreciating more and more the devotee's Kirtan on the streets. There was a time when we would get arrested for chanting and book distribution, now the police just walk by and nod to us with a smile. We started the Maha Harinam at 1pm and continued till 6pm took prasad and went out again till about 10pm. 350 books were distributed, 280 medium and 70 maha big. This was organised by Sutapa Prabhu of the Manor brahmacaris and the Soho temple devotees. The first part of the video show the "Hari Haris" Kirtan band chanting on Soho street, then Guru Das brahmacari leads Kirtan and then HG Parividha Prabhu. Enjoy the movie (put together by Achinta Rupa Prabhu) Read more ›


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