Hash Bash Harinam with 100.000 people! – Distributing The Higher Taste (Album 156 photos)

The devotees had always done walking harinama's at the Bash, which attracts 100,000 people, but beginning last year we started reserving a pavilion on campus which happens to be the epicenter of all foot traffic for the event. Last years event our attention was misdirected. We'd made plans for all sorts of activities like t-shirt painting, sidewalk chalking, henna etc. to be going on in the pavillion. This over endeavor for mundane things (money) was a memorable failure. Thankfully the Holy Name prevailed that day and we had lots of chanting and dancing, but it was clear so much could have and should be done differently. This year, we focused on beautifully broadcasting the Holy Name, while providing plenty of opportunity for people to take a book, and prasadam. Whats more, we had a huge team of helpers with congregation families, lots of devotees from the Chicago and Detroit temples, even our GBC Malati Mataji was able to come which gave a huge boost of confidence to all the devotees assembled... Of course this program, Prabhupada's program, was a huge success. Read more ›


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