Prasadam distribution, 28.5. Kahrimani, Nemila, Topčić polje and Begov Han by Iskcon Sarajevo (Album 39 photos)
900 people got prasadam-mercy in the form of cooked warm meal (beans, salad, bread and cookies) or in the form of sandwiches and apples. Devotees traveled for 2 hours, then done their distribution until 5pm. Devotees also visited one new place called Kahrimani, where people from destroyed village Željezno polje are placed now. They are so thankful, that some of them picked flowers from their gardens and offered those to devotees, who will offer those flowers to Krishna :). Exhausting day ended happily in our temple with lunch and later with an amazing and very inspiring lecture given by our dear guest Madhukanta prabhu . Read more ›