Preaching in Rishikesh, India, April 30, 2014 (Album 38 photos)

Kishore Krsna Das from Florida , Jayaprada Radhika Dasi from New Zealand, Bhaktin Yulia from Russia, got together and organised a three seminar on Mantra Meditation and Kirtan Yoga at Rishikesh India. Flyers were distributed to visiting Tourists from all over the world all day on seminar days and performed Hari Naam an hr before. Everyday we are surprised by around 20 tourists at our meeting who enthusiastically participated in the Hare Krsna Mantra Meditation lead by Jayaprada Radhika Dasi, followed by a talk and Kirtan Yoga ( kirtan with swami step) by Kishore Krsna Das. After the program we were able to sell over 50 small books at the three day meeting. We will try to do this preaching program everyyear in Rishikesh in the month of march april, anyone interested in participating feel free to email us at What follows are some pictures and videos for the pleasure of Sri Guru, Gauranga and Vaishnavas. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Read more ›


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