First time ever for Vrindavan: In October they were the No. 1 temple in the world!

Hare KrishnaBy Vijaya Dasa

WSN October 2014 - World Sankirtan Newsletter, I think this is a first for Vrindavan: In October they were the No. 1 temple in the world! How did the devotees do this? Vrindavan is not a big city. But it's a unlimitedly huge place, spiritually speaking. So I think the devotees experienced in a special way the spiritual energy of Vrndavana during the month of Karttika. They accumulated 33,589 book points. Srila Prabhupada must feel extremely satisfied with the devotees of Vrindavan for distributing more books than any other temple out of the place he called home. Sydney had its biggest month in a quite some time, with 14,698 book points: a 526% increase. It looks like the marathon there already started. When I visited last year, the devotees mentioned that they'd be setting goals to distribute a certain amount each month. Apparently Krsna is encouraging them to reach their goals.



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