Sacred Maharashtra, India (Album 137 photos) Indradyumna Swami:…

Sacred Maharashtra, India (Album 137 photos)

Indradyumna Swami: While traveling through Maharashtra, India, to organize our festival tour here early next year, I have taken the opportunity to visit a number of holy places in this western part of the country. There are many sacred rivers, ancient temples and saintly personalities throughout this lush and green part of India. In one temple we visited a deity of Lord Nrsimhadeva deep inside an underground cave. Traveling by bus, car, train ( and elephant! ) I have found the people here courteous and kind, and as always, curious to see and talk to a western devotee of the Lord. I am also pleased to see that ISKCON has a number of successful temples and projects throughout beautiful Maharashtra. [ Photos by Indradyumna Swami and Rupvilas dasa ]


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