God – Out And About, In The Streets Of The World But here is a…

God – Out And About, In The Streets Of The World But here is a breaking news! God has been spotted in the streets of the world. God is reportedly out in search of man, in the boulevards and thoroughfares of the world. He is a wide-eyed God, looking with dismay at the prevalent insanity. He is looking with dismay at what the man has done to this world and how far he has strayed away from Him. He is looking at the office workers, giving Him a cursory glance, before continuing on with their chores. He is looking at the cabbies, cursing Him for blocking their way in the late morning rush hour. He is looking at the tall offices and plush malls, wondering why do they need all this! He is wondering about the business of busyness, from early morning to well past midnight. His eyes become wide out of loving concern, out of fond apprehension. He is almost sad, His large eyes reflecting the pain of His suffering man, who is too busy to realize his own predicament. Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=19352


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