New Hollywood film features Hare Krishna temple, ceremonies and…

New Hollywood film features Hare Krishna temple, ceremonies and devotees.
It’s called 10,000 Saints and stars some of the biggest names in Hollywood right now – Ethan Hawke, Emile Hirsch, Hailee Steinfeld, Asa Butterfield. It also happens to star a bunch of the devotees from the Bhakti Center in New York - Doyal Gauranga, Chaitanya Kapadia, Vinay Vanodia, and a bunch of other handsome and beautiful devotees of Krishna. I play the illustrious role of, “Hare Krishna priest” smile emoticon and I get to live out one of my long-time dreams of chanting mantras about Krishna in a Hollywood film. I chose to sing the prayers of Lord Brahma (also called the Brahma Samhita) where he describes the supreme beauty and attractiveness of Govinda and his spiritual world.
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