The Passing of Gopana Daksa devi dasi Niranjana Swami: This…

The Passing of Gopana Daksa devi dasi
Niranjana Swami: This morning (Wed, 2016-09-14) I received news that one of my early disciples, formerly from Ukraine, Gopana Daksa devi dasi, left this world in Vrndavana at 15:15, yesterday, September 13, 2016. She was a very serious and sincere disciple, who always displayed great determination in her spiritual life since the day I first met her in the early 1990’s. She relocated to Vrndavana many years ago, and for years, every year she would send me the results of her book distribution efforts. She had great faith in the holy name and in distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.
In April of this year, when I was first informed about Gopana Daksa devi dasi’s declining health, she sent the following message to me through another devotee in Vrndavana:
“When she gets easier, she thinks that she should go on sankirtana, but for her it became difficult to do because it takes a lot of energy and efforts. Therefore Gopana daksha mataji is asking your permission to suspend sankirtana service for the while. Also she asks your blessings for a quick recovery. Please accept her humble obeisances.”
Despite the fact that her hemoglobin count was seriously low, that she had already had several blood transfusions, that she had to spend so much time in the hospital, and that the possibility of having leukemia was lurking in the background while waiting for test results, Gopana Daksha was still asking permission if she could temporarily suspend book distribution. She was that much determined.
For her sincere efforts in devotional service, Krsna blessed her with the opportunity to leave her body in Vrndavana, in full consciousness, calling out Krsna’s name with her final breath. We pray for her smooth journey back home, to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara.
Hare Krsna


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