Elephant procession in Mayapur (Album with photos) Srila…

Elephant procession in Mayapur (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: There is no such thing to become master. It is useless. You cannot become master. Ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate [Bg. 3.27]. You cannot become master. Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa [Cc. Madhya 20.108-109]. Either man or woman, everyone is servant of Krsna. We have to be trained up in that platform, how to become the best servant, not only servant directly, but servants, of the servant. This is called parampara servant. My spiritual master is the servant of his spiritual master, and I am also servant of my spiritual master. Similarly, we think “servant of the servant.” There is no question of becoming… This is material disease [Cc. Madhya 13.80]. krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare pasate maya tare japatiya dhare As soon as we become puffed up – “Now I shall become master. I shall be simply giving order. I shall not follow anyone” – that is maya. That disease is going on beginning from Brahma down to the ant. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.24 – Mayapur, March 2, 1976
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