Jaganath Puri dham Harinam Sankirtan (Album with photos) Srila…

Jaganath Puri dham Harinam Sankirtan (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Because we are in ignorance, maya, at any time we may forget Krsna. Therefore we must always engage in Krsna consciousness so that we shall not forget Him. That is indicated by Kuntidevi by the words sravana-smaranarhani. The word sravana means “hearing,” smarana means “remembering,” and arhana means “worshiping the Deity of Krsna.” One should always engage oneself in hearing about, remembering, and worshiping Krsna. All the centers of the Krsna consciousness movement are opened only for this purpose – to facilitate chanting, dancing, and worshiping so that we shall not forget Krsna. Sada tad-bhava-bhavitah: [Bg. 8.6] if we always think of Krsna, there is a chance that we shall remember Krsna at the end of life (ante narayana-smrtih [SB 2.1.6]). >>> Ref. VedaBase => TQK 18: Liberation from Ignorance and Suffering
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