Srimati Radharani’s names, meeting places, pets and more

Hare KrishnaBy Srila Rupa Goswami

He who reads this confidential prayer, which bears the title Ananda-candrika (The Moonlight of Bliss), and which is beautiful with ten names of the queen of Vrndavana, becomes free of all troubles and decorated with great good fortune. He quickly becomes the object of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava's mercy. 1. Radha , 2. She who is dear to Lord Damodara, 3. His greatest worshiper, 4. the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, 5. She who is the crowning garland of mallika flowers on the decorated braided hair of all the gopis, 6. the first of Krsna's beloveds, 7. an expert singer and musician, 8. Lalita's friend, 9. She who is delighted with the friendship of Visakha, 10. the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of Lord Hari's heart.


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