A Wise Old Monkey

Hare KrishnaBy Bhurijana dasa

The monkeys of Raman Reti can undoubtedly be cute. But are they wise? Mostly they use their amazing climbing skills to wander from tree to roof to balcony for the purpose of foraging for soft leaves, berries, or other eatables. When they're not eating they fight, mate, or sleep. But, however, I've noted that they can also be clever and quite brave. Many strongly built males will always fiercely fight to protect from attack the young within their family. That can be said to be a type of wisdom, for it is required for the family's survival, but are monkeys truly wise? Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura told a story about a wise old monkey and those of his followers who listened to him. And, of course, the lesson to be learned by noting the fate of those who didn't. In his story, along with his accompanying lesson, Srila Saraswati Thakura seems to equate wisdom with the ability to see the future.


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