European Communications conference – Day 1

By Mina Sharma

Around sixty devotees from across Europe and the US have gathered in New Vrajamandala in Spain, to participate in the European Communications Conference running from 27th - 30th May. Day one of the conference has focused upon ISKCON and the Environment, where there have been exciting presentations from a number of devotees. HG Shaunaka Rsi Dasa spoke about the Vedic Perspective on the Environment, where he discussed the Vedic concepts of Rta (cosmic order) and Rtu (cycles) and how these are innate in nature - we as material entities form a small part of the system, but our contribution is service not stewardship. He also described the importance of Mother Bhumi, Lord Visnu's wife, who when she approached Brahma for help, all came to her aid. Shaunaka Prabhu said: "We are not separate from nature - we cannot harm nature without harming ourselves."


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