Reading Rathayatra, UK, 27th July 2019 (Album of photos)
Parasuram dasa: Temperatures in the UK reached an all-time recorded high - 39C - it was unbearably hot but the next day Reading Rathayatra was hit with monsoon-like rain. While cooking in the morning I was thinking that nobody is going to attend this festival, but we cooked anyway as if all was good. Then by Lord Jagannath’s mercy, the blue skies came and the Lord’s devotees came out in the masses. Vishal Gauranga and his wife Amala Manjari Prabhus are the main preachers out here. Running the Nama Hattas, Prasad Distribution, Festivals, and Rathayatras in 3 cities, Reading, Newbury and Basingstoke. A great example of what can be done when the congregation get together and focus on the mission of Srila Prabhupada. Reading is a historical city, in 870ad Wessex was invaded by the Vikings, and Reading became their HQ, King Ethelred and Alfred the Great (not so great) were defeated by the Vikings here. Then in 1121 King Henry built Reading Abbey and in 1361 the Black Death wiped out 60% of the population, bad time to be around then, but in the last 12 years the town is being blessed by the Lord of the Universe who rides His chariot surrounded by the chanting of the Mahamantra. These days the residents of Reading can easily access the Lord’s mercy simply by being on the High Street as the Lord rides past. Jai Jagannath Jai Srila Prabhupada.