To release the dormant love within our heart is only possible by the grace of the Lords Hladini Shakti, his pleasure potency Srimati Radharani, She holds the key that can unlock the deepest mysteries of the soul. But it is natural that which is most rare, most inconceivable is often misunderstood. When you go into Air India, sometimes you see on the walls painted Rasa Lila and there is Radharani dancing. And people; that are our tradition Radha and Krishna, but it is a very deep subject. That is our tradition Radha and Krishna. In order to understand the nature of Sri Radha we must understand the nature of Love. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami goes to great lengths to define, what is spiritual love and what is the love of the Gopi’s. A relationship based on the misconception that I am this body and mind or a relationship that is based on the concern for my enjoyment that is called Kama. A relationship that is based on the knowledge of our liberated condition that we are eternal spirit souls beyond the ego, the intelligence, the mind, the senses and the body. A relationship based on selfless unconditional service, completely for the purpose of giving pleasure to the object of love that is Prema. That is love that is the nature of the soul in its relationship with Krishna.