This song was sung by Rupa Gosvami. He is the real person, actual person, to understand Radha and Krsna. So he says, "All glories to Radharani." radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite. "She's so dear to Krsna." Krsna, everyone is trying to love Krsna, but Krsna is trying to love somebody. Now how great She is. Just try to understand. Everyone, the whole world, the whole universe, all living entities, they are trying to love Krsna. Krsna-prema. Lord Caitanya describes, prema-pumartho mahan. And Rupa Gosvami described that "You are distributing krsna-prema." So krsna-prema is so valuable, but Krsna is after Radharani. Just see how Radharani is great. Just try to understand the greatness of Radharani. Therefore She is so great, and we have to offer our respect. Radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite. How She is? Gokula-taruni-mandala-mahite. Taruni, taruni means young girls. You'll see the pictures, they are all young girls. But of all the young girls, She is the most beautiful. She is enchanting to the young girls also. She is so beautiful. Gokula-taruni-mandala-mahite, damodara-rati-vardhana-vese. And She always dresses Herself so nicely that Damodara, Krsna, becomes attracted by Her beauty. Hari-niskuta-vrnda-vipinese. And She is the only lovable object of Krsna, and She is the "Queen of Vrndavan." This "Queen of Vrndavan" you'll find in Vrndavan, if you go to Vrndavan, everyone is worshiping Radharani. Rani means queen. They are always speaking, "Jaya Radhe!" Radharani. All the devotees in Vrndavan, they are worshiper of Radharani. Hari-niskuta-vrnda-vipinese, vrsabhanu-dadhi-nava-sasi-lekhe. And She appeared as the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and Her companion, Lalita-sakhi and Visakha-sakhi, and the devotees. So on behalf of the pure devotees of Krsna, Rupa Gosvami is praying, karunam kuru mayi karuna-bharite. "Oh, my worshipable Radharani, You are full of mercy. So I am begging of Your mercy because You are so merciful, very easily You offer, bestow Your mercy. So I am begging Your mercy."