Hare-Krishna-Festival-of-India hosted by New Vrindaban.
The crew instinctively took to action in rebuilding what was there and safeguarded the sound system as the poles shook and our minds raced to find answers when it would stop. We waited a few hours before we finally found ours. The sun came out reminding us that Krsna shines his light on the efforts of his devotees. In fact, the weather was a little cooler and easier to handle as a result. The program raced on, Lord Jagannatha went through the streets, and all was well. Highlights included Mangalananda singing his classic western devotionals on stage and Sankirtan prabhu telling the pastime of Jaganantha’s carving. Overall, an immensely successful festival for the residents of New Vrndavan and their neighbors in Appalachia.
To read the complete article please click here: https://bit.ly/36P7O0e