Story of Survival from Kyiv. Vishnu Charan dasa, his wife...

Story of Survival from Kyiv.
Vishnu Charan dasa, his wife Madhurekshana devi dasi, and young son Venu Gopal lived in the Kurenivka area of Kyiv where a lot of the hostilities of the conflict are taking place. Their son is not even a year old yet. The family had made a living by cooking and making prasadam made to order and are well known for their pizzas, and samosa. They are also active in sankirtana and serve in the Kyiv temple. Due to the conflict, the family was suffering financial difficulty and found themselves unable to work.

Thanks to financial donations the family was able to leave Kyiv and travel to the western part of Ukraine. They left via train and the trip took 11 hours. Madhurekshana devi dasi and their son had one seat and Vishnu Charan dasa stood the entire 11-hour train ride out of the city.

When the devotees arrived, all the men were made to register. After a couple of days, the military enlistment office came and asked to check their documents. After this Vishnu Charan dasa was handed a summons at the military enlistment office and is being sent to the army right now.

Madhurekshana devi dasi seems to be left alone with the child, and the money they have received from donations will help them with her and the child’s sustenance and needs.

Right now Vishnu Charan Prabhu is at the military recruitment office and this story is not over yet…


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