The Harrowing Hardships of Humanity – Question:...

The Harrowing Hardships of Humanity –
Question: Why is there so much suffering in India, so much deprivation?
HH Bhakti Charu Swami: Good point. Now tell me are they following Krishna? Are those people who are suffering, accepting Krishna? Especially India is the land of dharma (Dharma Kshetra). In the land of dharma when one acts in a sinful way, the reaction of the sin is multiplied by thousands of times. Similarly on the Dharma Kshetra, if someone acts in a pious way the reaction of his piety is magnified by a thousand times. It is a land of dharma; in this land everyone is meant to be virtuous (dharmik) but when people become atheistic in this land, then naturally their suffering becomes very, very intense. Actually the land of India is the most glorious land. India used to rule over the entire Earth planet, even up to Parikshit Maharaja five thousand years ago. The kings of India used to rule over the entire Earth planet not only the land part of the earth but including the oceans – sa sagara. Sa – means along with and Sagara -means ocean. The rulers of India used to rule over the entire Earth planet including the ocean. This land is most advanced spiritually therefore materially also this land was most advanced but unfortunately since people have rejected the path of dharma now, since people have rejected their submission to the Lord, since people have become atheistic, their suffering has multiplied.
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