BENELUX SANKIRTAN TOUR – DIARY OF A BRAHMACARI “Dawn of a new beginning”. By Rasānanda Sankīrtana Dāsa Association means protection. By associating with devotees, we are protected from the dangers of the material world the same way a calf is protected by the herd of elephants. However, the voice of kali is telling us to leave the herd behind and everyone is accepting it proudly like wearing a t-shirt saying, “leave the herd behind.” Right, because isn’t our refusal to follow the herd that led us to Krishna consciousness? Our emancipation from Big brother and Uncle Sam that led us to spiritual freedom? We hear now devotees religiously say, “you know, I prefer doing things my own way” or “independence is important.” With no intent to reduce the validity of their individual experiences, The psychology behind their statements is very simple. “We don’t want to be hurt or cheated again. We want to surrender but we don’t know how to.” Spiritual life is full of these conundrums, and it befalls us to not fall under their spell bound easy conclusions. This is the path of renunciation. To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here:


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