Defining the Divine, East and West. By Satyaraja Dasa Conceptions of God in the Bhagavad-gita encompass those of other traditions and give full picture of the Absolute Truth. “The Bhagavad-gita teaches a pantheistic view of God,” he said, his confidence and years of learning clear from his authoritative tone. “The massive vishvarupa—Krishna’s universal form, which encompasses all material phenomena, including time—tells us much about God in the Gita.” His friend, another scholar of some renown, seemed to disagree. “The Gita goes beyond pantheism. It shows us how to perceive God in all things. The Tenth Chapter, especially, shows us how Krishna is the superlative exemplar in seventy categories, how He exists in the perceivable world.” To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here:


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