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Cyclone Michaung - Devastating effects for Iskcon Chennai

Cyclone Michaung has wrought devastating effects on Chennai, submerging several parts of the city, including the ISKCON temple, under several feet of water. Despite devotees' efforts to protect the temple and its assets, the cyclone's ferocity spared nothing—our temple vehicles, crucial for outreach efforts, lie submerged, along with vital machinery such as the fridges and freezers of the temple kitchen, annadana kitchen, grocery stores as well as various items in the gift shop and restaurant. With power, water, and basic amenities rendered inaccessible, devotees have been evacuated from our ashram. Although fire and rescue services brought boats, they were not sufficient, and local fishermen had to step in. It took almost 8 hours to evacuate all devotees to a safer place, while a few pujaris and the temple commander stayed back to continue deity services to our Sri Sri Radha Krishna. The conservative estimate of damages stands at Rs. 40 Lakhs, emphasizing the enormity of the task ahead. Floodwaters have penetrated every vital space within our temple, including the sanyasi ashram, kitchen, godowns, electrical panel boxes, restaurant, guest house, and basement dining hall, all flooded by water. To check images The journey toward restoration will be time-consuming and fraught with numerous challenges. Your donations will significantly contribute to fixing the temple, restoring essential functions, and aiding our devotees. Together, we can rejuvenate and make our spiritual home bright and welcoming again. Join hands with us in this noble endeavor to rebuild, renew, and restore ISKCON Chennai. For Flood Relief Support, donations can be sent to the following bank account: Indian Passport Holders: - Account Name: ISKCON - Acc: 423010100035200 - IFSC: UTIB0000423 - Axis Bank Alternatively, click to donate Foreign Nationals: Please drop an email to Kindly share your transaction details at WhatsApp 98402 29226 or Email Please donate generously and spread the word. Let's all unite in the service of Srila Prabhupada and the Supreme Lord Krishna to bring ISKCON Chennai back to its vibrant self.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Your servants
Temple Management Team ISKCON Chennai
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