Slovenia The cashier at the petrol station

Hare Krishna: It was the last week of the marathon. I was really tired and not very enthusiastic but somehow, I got myself out the door and into the car. The day before I ignored to tank the car, so I had to thank on the way to the sankirtan location. I finally managed to figure out what would be a good place for the day and found a petrol station on the way. So, I just stop in the petrol station in this village, tank and go to pay. And I am thinking: "Should I take some Bhagavad Gita with me?" The whole marathon we were focusing on Bhagavad Gita. And I am like "No, not really needed". So, the cashier comes, I tell him the tax code (something with Krishna). And then he says "Oh, you are a Hare Krishna?" I was like "Not hard to tell since I am wearing these bedsheets". So, he says "Do you have Bhagavad Gita with you". And I'm like "Yes, I have a few" Meaning I had 2 boxes. So, then he told me whenever he goes to Ljubljana, he looks for the devotees and always buys a few Gitas and gives to his friends. So, he also got 2 from me (he was really low on money). I found it interesting how Krishna arranged for me to go to that petrol station which was not really some place I would have gone normally just to meet this young man.


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