The Book Might make him a Celibate Monk… Today I was in…

The Book Might make him a Celibate Monk…
Today I was in Sydney central I stopped this young Chinese couple saying, “We’re stopping all the good looking couples today and showing these books on meditation,” They laughed and stopped happily. The guy said, “Oh meditation? My golf teacher said that he plays good golf because he meditates daily and he highly recommends it.”
The boy was into it right away. The girl wasn’t into it but ended up she was the one who had the money so I was praying to Krishna to help. The guy asked her if she could give me a donation. She looked at me and said, “I will pay for the book if you promise me that this book will change him.” I said, “It will surely change him,’ and asked, what’s wrong with him anyways?” She said, “Oh he looks at too many girls, I want him to become loyal to me.” and she gave the donation. As I put the donation in my pocket I said, “I don’t know about the book making him loyal to you, but it might make him a celibate monk.” They both laughed and she said, “That’s even better.” And they walked away happily with Srila Prabhupada’s book “THE SCIENCE OF SELF REALIZATION”.
Your Servant
Shastra krit Das.


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