How to really associate with devotees

Hare KrishnaBy Brahmatirtha Dasa

Did you know about the "septic tank of Iskcon"? "Mother Yamuna's tears made me a devotee!" Lord Chaitanya never had a chilly pepper. As devotees we are the greatest personalists hypothetically, theoretically, scripturally but how many of you are lonely? How should we treat the protective "wire-mesh" that Srila Prabhupada installed around our tender plant of devotion? I was very bewildered, every one was telling me to do everything, some would say the most important is the chanting, others, reading is the most important thing, others, offering obeisances was the most important, others, prasadam is the most important, it was going on and on and on and everything was the most important. I had no idea what to do!


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