‘What to Pray for at Govardhana’
Tamal Krishna Goswami: “This Braj is in prakad and aprakad, prakad means manifest and aprakad unmanifest. So, we cannot see the Braj without getting the eyes to see Braj, and Giriraj Govardhana has the power to bless us to be able to see. We can pray that 'You have seen everything, you have arranged everything, all of the pastimes happened on your own slope, on your lap.’ Just like if a child is sitting on the lap, you can see very nicely that child. So Krishna and Krishna’s associates, they’re performing their activities right on the lap of Giriraj Govardhana, he has seen everything. So we ask him to bless us with the vision to be able to see in the same way.
At the same time we also want another blessing, and that is the blessing which actually preceeds…comes first. 'Please give us the blessing to somehow be pleasing to our spiritual master,’ because without pleasing the devotee guru, how can one expect to please Krishna. So what is that service or activity which gives pleasure to guru? It is to help the guru in his service to his guru. And what is the guru’s or the guru parampara’s service? To reclaim the fallen conditioned souls. So the first prayer we can also make here is 'Give me some compassion my dear Giriraj Govardhana, give me some determination, give me the qualities by which I can assist my spiritual master and the other devotees of the Lord in the mission of spreading Krishna conciousness. At the same time give me that purity of heart by which one day I will qualify to be able to absorb myself in constantly remembering Your transcendental pastimes.’
This is the goal of our Krishna conciousness movement, to always remember Krishna, never forgetting Krishna.”