Celebrating 20 Years Of Success In Bhakti-vriksha (Album with…

Celebrating 20 Years Of Success In Bhakti-vriksha (Album with photos)
This year, we at the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry, celebrated 20 years of Bhakti-vriksha in Mayapur, during the Gaura Purnima Festival. We hosted a CDM night in the Samadhi auditorium which included:
H.H. Jayapataka Swami (Co Minister) Address
Preachers’ realizations- China, US, Russia and India
Snack Prasadam
A big thank you to everyone who came and showed their support to the speakers, award winners and CDM Team.
Your Servant,
Manjulali M.S. dd
Communications Office
Find them here: https://goo.gl/iEVmcm


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