The Unheard World of Sound – By Satyaraja...

The Unheard World of Sound –
By Satyaraja Dasa

Human beings are physically unable to perceive certain portions of the known vibratory spectrum. While extremely sensitive to sound waves of about 1,000 to 4,000 cycles per second (cps), man is all but deaf beyond 20,000 cycles per second. Dogs and cats, on the other hand, can hear up to 60,000 cps, while mice, bats, whales, and dolphins can emit and receive sounds well over 100,000 cps. In other words, there are definitely things we just don’t hear. Vedic texts suggest that if this is true of hearing in the material sphere, how much more true must it be of sounds that exist beyond the material world — sounds that we must distinguish ourselves, through spiritual practice, to truly hear.

Despite our inability to hear certain frequencies — whether material or spiritual — we tend to hear better than we see.
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