Ramachandra’s Appearance Day Lecture, December 27, 1966 New York. When Lord Ramachandra appeared, He made a bridge between India and Ceylon. There is no history in the world that one has made bridge over the ocean, Indian Ocean. And how the bridge was made? Not in the present, modern way, that making concrete on the ground and then pillars and then… No. The stones were floating. The Ramachandra assistants, all the monkeys, what kind of engineers are they? They could bring, order, “Bring some stone.” They had very good health. What is that? Gorilla. So they brought big, big stones, and they began to float. Now, one may inquire or may question, “How stone can float?” Why stone cannot float? If this big, big lump of matter, earthly planet and other planets, they are floating in the air, why the stone cannot float? If God likes, it will float. That is God desire. It is God’s plan.