Bahulastami: Dipa Dana, Snana, and Cleaning 2018

Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktisiddhanta Swami

In the Padma Purana, Kartika Mahatmya, it is stated that Radha-kunda is very dear to Sri Hari and is situated near Giri Govardhan hill. By taking bath in Radha-kunda on the eight day of waning moon in the month of Kartika[Bahulastami] one can greatly please Lord Hari who enjoys His pastimes there. This Kunda is as dear to Sri Krsna as Radha Herself. As a result of the killing of the Aristasura demon, a lila of mutual purification followed with the appearance of Syama-kunda from Krsna’s kick, and most importantly Radha-kunda from Radha/gopi’s dig, an invitation to all celestial rivers and then a bath; now this has become an annual midnight celebration.


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