Meditation and Chanting Go Together.
In the Gaudiya way of bhakti, you offer everything to Krsna, the good, the bad – your life. You share everything with someone you are close to, the barriers are low, close friends are intimate. In bhakti this is called mamata, a strong sense of ownership, or relation to the Lord, that “He is mine and I’m His”. This type of love can be attained by two types of devotional service, as it is stated by Narada Muni in Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta: “One develops that love by practicing the devotional service whose main ways are meditation on and singing about the many Vraja pastimes of the Lord.” (3.5.218) A devotee who wants to reach Vrndavana focuses on these two aspects of bhakti: meditating on and singing about Vraja-lila.