In his book of essays, entitled Upakhyane Upadesa, "Instructions in Stories" (Gaudiya Mission 1936), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following commentary on the story of Ekalavya: The translation from the original Bengali is by H.H. Bhakti-caru Svami. To many people, Ekalavya's devotion to his guru is ideal, but there is a special consideration...What was Ekalavya's fault? That should be considered. Wearing the mask of guru-bhakti (devotion to the guru), Ekalavya actually revolted against his guru. Whether his guru was actually considering him to be disqualified by birth in a low-class family, or was simply testing him-- for whatever reason--when his gurudeva refused to teach him the art of Dhanur Veda, it was Ekalavya's duty to accept the instruction of his spiritual master.