Kamsa was thinking: "Simply hearing Krsna's name causes my heart to tremble. By some trick, by some clever plan, He must be killed. Already I have tried plan after plan, each one more clever than the last, but all have failed. They were useless." As he thought in this way, Kamsa walked out of the palace with one of his spies and asked him, "According to what you have seen, whom does Krsna love the most?" The spy reported, "Lord, I think Krsna is most filled with love for His calves." Kamsa then ordered, "Now return to your home." Kamsa then turned to another attendant: "Summon Vatsasura. With his great power he places even the demigod Indra in distress. He makes Indra appear as insignificant as a drop of water." Because many others were surrounding him, Kamsa had whispered these words of praise. Vatsasura soon arrived, and Kamsa greeted him as if a son, "Dear child Vatsasura, please go to Nanda's village of Vraja. Approach Nanda's small son as He herds the calves. Then, yourself assuming the form of a calf, attack Nanda's son. Affirming his obedience by saying, "As the king commands, so I will act," Vatsasura went to the Yamuna's banks.