Looking at the ruins of what we’ve been calling until recently Western civilization, I can say that the mankind is illogical and irrational. Led by misguided and selfish leaders, people themselves planned and led their existence to its end, such as we knew it. How come we got here? Couldn’t the ruination of our world be prevented? Couldn’t any of the world leaders remember the bitter lessons of the millenary bloody history of mankind? And why the progress of material science and modern technology, which reached unimaginable levels, didn’t help human beings to rise above the lower animal instincts, constrained to eating, sleeping, mating and self-defense and to bestow upon the world the so desirable peace and prosperity? Ever since our birth we’ve been forced to accept the body as our true self. All around us (relatives, scientists, teachers, politicians) persistently lead us to believe that we are a product of matter. Life is a happy coincidence of a combination of material elements, which have caused our existence. And since it has appeared out of nothing, our life has no other meaning and is intended only to satisfy our senses and the senses of our close family members. Those striving for material happiness generally believe they can find the enjoyment they seek in sex and that they can purchase freedom with money. This conviction is constantly being fueled by all the propaganda machine of material culture – the cinema, the television, the Internet, which suggests that we are nothing more than evolved animals. And because no one in the material world actually obtains lasting happiness, everyone becomes frustrated and is forced by unfulfilled lust to compete for whatever enjoyable things are to be obtained. So western material civilization with its predatory policy and frenzied consumerist ideology has come to its logical end. Where do we turn now?
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