From a multi-billionaire to pauper in the street, everyone is seeking the wealth of love. The gaudy gizmos, exotic holidays, luxury cars, sports bikes, late night dance parties, Valentine ‘s day, thousands of friend lists on Facebook, millions of followers on Twitter and 70 mm celluloid screens, may titillate or stimulate the senses and mind, but in the real reel of our life it cannot quench the thirst of love in our heart. This thirst can be better apprehended by the analog of the gardener. As when the gardener waters the root of the tree, then as the natural by-product twigs, branches are nourished and ultimately we get the reward of fruit. Similarly only when we being part and parcel (soul) of Supreme God(Supersoul), offer our loving propensity in our primary and original relationship with Krishna (Supreme God) with all our heart, then as the natural by-product, we love our brother, neighbor, spouse, boss, country, humanity, dog, cat and so on .
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