Durban Indulges In A Taste Of Devotion In Celbration Of ISKCON50

Hare KrishnaBy Krsangi Radhe dasi

The Sri Sri Radha Radhanath temple in Durban, South Africa embarked on a rather sweet campaign to celebrate ISKCON 50. On Thursday, 28 July over 150 devotees distributed 5000 cup cakes all around Durban. The campaign began two weeks prior to the main distribution date, when temple president Vibhu Caitanya dasa, who personally steered and organised all aspects of the campaign, invited devotees and well-wishers to place orders for cupcakes to distribute at their places of employment, schools, universities and other institutions. In true birthday style of celebrating with friends and relatives, this was the temple’s way of giving back and reaching out to the community of Durban. As hosts to the celebration, the temple took care of purchasing the ingredients and the logistics of baking the 5000 treats. On site, the Govinda’s restaurant bakery came to a stand-still as all restaurant production came to a halt. Devotees took over the bakery to prepare, which were then cooled and packed by a separate group of over twenty devotees. The vanilla cup-cakes, decorated with sprinkles were then individually placed in a clear packet, wrapped with colourful ribbons with card attached highlighting the 50th anniversary of ISKCON.


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