Question Humanity. Reflecting on the senseless killings going…

Question Humanity.
Reflecting on the senseless killings going on around the world, one wonders at the state of humanity.
Animals kill other animals for hunger. Humans kill other humans, but not to eat. Their hunger is for revenge, or power and control. They will also kill out of pure anger or envy – energies that have taken over their lives, heads and hearts. They will kill to prove a point – my way of life is better than your way of life, my religion is better than your religion, my color is better than your color.
That puts us less than animals.
As living creatures we humans and animals are very similar. We both eat, sleep, mate, and defend – these are the main four activities of living and surviving life. But the human body has something more – an intelligence to step back and question why. Why are we here? What is the point of all this eating, sleeping, mating, and defending? Who started this? Who made us and what are we made for?
Animals also have intelligence but not of this kind. This is the special gift of the human body. If we don’t use it, if we don’t ask, explore, question life, question death, question suffering, we live just as the animals do. More sophisticated ways of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, perhaps – but just the same as animals.
Each one of us has a choice to make in life – the choice to live consciously or unconsciously, the challenge to live as a human and not as an animal. Each one of us has the responsibility to be the best we can be as humans and make our time in this body count.
When the body is alive, either human or animal, that is a symptom of the presence of the soul. We are the life in the body. We don’t have a soul – we are the soul. Our body changes – from youth to mid-life and on to old age. We travel with that changing body and death simply means we leave one body and go to another. Like moving from one house to another, the soul lives in many bodies – both human and animal.
Who is that soul? Who am I? Where have I come from and where am I going? Can I influence the journey and destination?
These are questions only humans can ask. Don’t forget to do so. For your own sake and the sake of humanity.


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