The Swami Responds

Hare KrishnaBy His Divine Grace A.C.B. Swami Prabhupada

Dear Swami, If one has rejected God, will God still take him back? Yours, Miss Anita Keough My dear Miss Keough, We are all here due to mistakes. Krishna only cares for our love. Dear Swami, Is it necessary to pursue all the different yogas in turn in order to reach the Ultimate? Yours truly, John The Dear Mr. The, You can walk the stairs to the top of the Empire State Building if you like. But the elevator is also there. Try chanting Hare Krishna. Dear Swami, Why do so many people neglect the Lord, if He is the center of everything? Thanks, Brendan Jones Dear Mr. Jones, Why do some men lie down on the Bowery Street? There is independence, and independence means one can choose wisely or foolishly. Ever your well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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