By Dr. Bhakta Chetan Hazare
In a humble attempt to glorify Srila Prabhupada and the ISKCON movement on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee, ISKCON, Navi Mumbai with the auspicious blessings of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja and encouraging direction of the temple President, HG Sura Das Prabhu celebrated a week long festival. The festival was graced by the keen presence of HH Amiya Vilas Swami Maharaja. Wholeheartedly detailing and serving under the guidance of the HG Vaishnavanghri Sevak Prabhu (the Director of Bhaktivedanta College of Vedic Education, Navi Mumbai), the devotees of Sri Sri Radha Madanmohanji celebrated a seven day long festival making the atmosphere spiritually surcharging.