These books are complete in themselves to awaken Krsna Consciousness in the heart of the conditioned soul

Hare KrishnaBy Ananda Vidya das

During the summer we follow the rock concert tours. That is a very ecstatic experience. Vijay Prabhu is one of my inspirations for doing these concert tours. I think he might have been the one who gave me my first book at one of those concerts in the summer of 1994. I had gone to a "Grateful Dead" concert in Washington DC, and one of my friends had gotten a book from one of the devotees, the "Journey to Self Discovery." I borrowed that book from him. I had not met the devotees personally at that concert, but there was a big group of American fired up Sankirtan devotees there. I got this book, and from that book, even before even meeting devotees for several months, I started chanting Hare Krsna, and following the regulative principles. I became a vegaterian, and just got a lot of realizations about Krsna Consciousness, just from this one book. Gradually I came in contact with devotees near to where I was going to college. Eventually I joined. I have a lot of faith in these books, because although I hadn't met the devotees, just this one book had the complete formula for awakening Krsna Consciousness. This book contained everything needed for giving one a complete start in this process of devotional service, of going back home, back to Godhead.


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