“How can I attain any good fortune in this life?”

Hare KrishnaBy Niranjana Swami

In the "Prabhupada Lilamrita" there is a wonderful description of the first harinama the devotees went on without Prabhupada. The devotees were just so ecstatic because they were so eager to go back and tell Prabhupada what they did. They couldn't wait. They burst into his room, "Prabhupada. We went out and we chanted today!" And Prabhupada was so pleased. Oh yes. Now you are understanding. Now you understand what pleases me. This makes me very happy. You have understood my message. Thank you so much. This is how to serve the devotees. Even if we don't have taste. We do it for our own purification because by serving them, we develop some taste. We benefit and anyone who comes in contact with us benefits. We don't water down. We give the essence because it is the essence which purifies the heart, puts us on the path of pure devotional service and keeps us on the path. It keeps us awake, so that we won't fall back asleep again and forget what the purpose is of this life.


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