“You love Krishna, and your love will go everywhere. You...

“You love Krishna, and your love will go everywhere. You pay tax to the government, and the tax is distributed in so many departments. So it is not your business to go every department and pay tax. Pay to the treasury of the government; it will be distributed. This is intelligence. And if you say that ‘Why shall I pay to the treasury house? I shall pay the this department, that department, that department, that department,’ you can go on, but it will never be sufficient, neither complete. So you may love humanity, but because you do not love Krishna, therefore you do not love the cows; you send them to slaughterhouse. So your love will remain defective. It will never be complete. And if you love Krishna, then you will love even the small ant. You will be not interested even to kill even an ant. That is real love.”

(Srila Prabhupada Conversation, Los Angeles, June 24, 1975)


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