Make Krishna Your Valentine – By HG Kalakantha Das...

Make Krishna Your Valentine – By HG Kalakantha Das (video)
ISKCON of Bergen, New Jersey.
“Those friends who show affection but are self-absorbed at heart are not friends in the truest sense. They simply play a part in mutual self-interest. They would never show their love unless there was some profit they could take advantage of. Oh slender-waisted gopis, others love without concern for what they have to gain from love or get back in return. Such people may be parents, friends or saints, but you can tell that they are truly friendly and wish everybody well. Still others don’t or can’t give back the love that they receive. They don’t love friends or kinsfolk—what to speak of enemies. Such people might be self-contained, in spirit or in wealth, ungrateful, or just hateful toward those better than themselves.
“Some people only love when they are loved by someone else, while others freely give their love and ask none for themselves. Still others don’t love anyone, regardless of their mood. Dear Krishna, please explain to us these different attitudes.”By making this inquiry, the gopis gave a hint they felt harassed and could not grasp the evening’s incidents. Why did their lover disappear, inflicting so much pain?
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