A Jungle Tale -The Hidden Jewels of Orissa part 3...

A Jungle Tale -The Hidden Jewels of Orissa part 3 (video)
Indradyumna Swami: During our tour of Orissa we came across a deity of Laksmi Nrsimha worshipped in a small village who were installed in the 13th century. During foreign invasions in the 14th century, Laksmi Nrsimha were hidden in a deep lake, only to be rediscovered a few years ago. We had a long kirtan at Their Lordships improvised temple and afterward I decided to “adopt” Them to ensure that the poor villagers can worship Laksmi Nrsimha in a proper fashion. My hope is that one day They will adopt me!
Watch it here: https://bit.ly/3ByhQS8


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