Hare Krishna! Karttika-The “Sale of the Year” Ekendra dasa: The…

Hare Krishna! Karttika-The “Sale of the Year”
Ekendra dasa: The Vedas do not recommend horse sacrifices nowadays, anyway. They don’t work. Better to chant Hare Krishna. And, considering that Yamaraja is the universal superintendent in charge of meting out punishment to those who transgress karmic law, it’s easy to appreciate the significance of the following benediction: “For a devotee who worships Lord Vishnu with offerings of malati flowers in the month of Karttika, Yamaraja orders the removal of all his sinful reactions from the account book.” (Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 7.90-92) Not bad. And the list goes on. Whatever you offer–tulasi, malati, ghee lamps, time, energy, attention–takes on greater significance this month. Karttika could be thought of as the ultimate “buy one, get a-whole-lot-more free” sale, (or the equivalent of a “super, multi-triple word score” for those familiar with the game of Scrabble. For a limited time only, whoever is lucky (or greedy, or intelligent) enough to do some service for Krishna during this special month gets a uniquely huge return on their investment. The ultimate return: one becomes more Krishna conscious.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=20833


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