October 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily…

October 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Prabhupada had always done much preaching by letter writing. When he was alone as a householder in India he had written many letters to influential leaders, including a prophetic letter to Mahatma Gandhi asking him to quit politics and study Bhagavad-gita or die an inglorious death. He had written to big businessmen and top politicians. They were not mere formal letters asking for funds, but deeply personal, sincere appeals and filled with philosophical explanations of the need to take up the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita to solve all the social, political and economic problems of the present day. Prabhupada did not get much favorable response from these letters, but he was undaunted in attempting them. He was like a voice crying in the wilderness. Now alone in New York City, penniless and practically homeless, he appealed directly for funds to purchase a building for a temple.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=20490/#25


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