Hare Krishna! Mukunda Goswami’s health update We are greatly…

Hare Krishna! Mukunda Goswami’s health update
We are greatly relieved to report that Mukunda Maharaja’s hip surgery was done this morning from 9:15am till 12:45pm. By your prayers and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy it was very successful. All the medical stats are fine The orthopedic surgeons placed four screws into Maharaja’s hip and thigh under spinal anesthesia. Maharaja is back to his ICU room and is being closely monitored for blood pressure, oxygen level, clotting, infections and other vital parameters. If all goes well, later today they will withdraw the heart pacing wire and will start taking the drains out from his chest.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=20821


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