Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Šrila Prabhupada!
I’d like to use this opportunity to warmly recommend to you Madhucchanda prabhu’s unique offer that could lead to a new, highly efficient and effective way to embark many new people to Krishna consciousness. I have known Madhucchanda prabhu for more than ten years. Therefore, I can vouch that he is a very sincere devotee, well versed in Vaishnava philosophy (as presented by Šrila Prabhupada) and very enthusiastic to share KC with as many people as possible. Originally from Macedonia, living in Croatia, he and his good wife Acyuta-priya devi dasi are trying to reach creative and broad-minded ISKCON leaders who would recognise sincerity and importance of their offer. Please read the following text written by Madhucchanda prabhu and watch his short video presentation (5,30 minutes). His contact details are displayed at the end of the video presentation. Also, please share this information with all devotees who would be interested in introducing this outstanding Bhagavatam exposition to their Vaishnava communities and the broad public.
Your servant, Vrsabha das
Dear devotees and temple leaders,
Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Purpose of this text is offering for performance of a very unique preaching project.
It is a project created to support Srila Prabhupada’s and Iskcon’s mission to present Srimad Bhagavatam to the world.
This has been done through organizing Bhagavatam festivals or popularly known to the Hindu community as performance of Bhagavat – saptaha.
Through our presentation and lectures people would get many valuable spiritual lessons and inspiration for development of there spiritual life.
People and devotees will get chance to connect to divine realm of bhakti through hearing the stories from Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting of holy names of Krishna.
This Bhagavatam festivals can be also part of celebration in your local temple in honour of 50 years of Iskcon.
We all know how Srimad Bhagavatam was important to Srila Prabhupada. His all life was dedicated to translation of this divine scripture and giving it to the world.
Our program has been designed to benefit your local temple and community and is performed by Ojasvi das ( bhajan singer ) and Madhucchanda das ( katha speaker ) from Croatia.
If you would like to know more how such event and spiritual festival can be organize in your local temple or community please feel free to contact us through our contacts bellow.
More detailed description of our project below and in the video link.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
YS. Madhucchanda das
Madhucchanda das ( Croatia )ISKCON – International society
for Krishna consciousness
Mob: 00385 91 791 2805
Skype: madu108
Facebook page: Krishna story – every day
Youtube: Krishna story – every day by Madhucchanda day
Subject: Preaching project – performance of Bhagavatam festivals ( Bhagavatam – saptaha )
Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
The purpose of this text and offering is a special preaching project – the performance of Bhagavatam festivals or popularly known as the performance of Bhagavatam – saptaha.
Using tradition for preaching – Bhagavatam saptaha is an important part of the Hindu
We all know that performing Bhagvatam saptaha is a part of the Hindu tradition. Every Hindu
knows that by hearing Bhagavatam katha will get many blessings. By organizing such events
people can be influenced and engaged in the 5 most powerful methods of bhakti as given by Rupa
Hearing and chanting the Holy Names ( Nama – sankirtan )
Listening to the Srimad Bhagavatam, ( Bhagavatam – sravana )
Service to deities( Murti – seva )
Association with devotees ( Sadhu – sanga )
Living in the holy dhama by hearing Krishnas lilas performed there. ( Dhama – vasa )
Preaching project in Iskcon
Many devotees and Iskcon Gurus such as Lokanath Goswami and Radha Govinda Swami are
preaching this way in India and it has had great effects. People are encouraged after katha to take Srimad Bhagavatam sets to their homes and to study. In this way devotees distribute many books. So this project has proved to be highly successful.
Srila Prabhupada opinion on Bhagavatam saptaha
At the beginning, Srila Prabhupada was not so enthusiastic about Bhagavatam saptaha. We find
some quotes in Srimad Bhagavatam where he is strongly condemning modern professional
bhagavatam speakers who do this only for money. These speakers are usually materially motivated
and contaminated with mayavadi philosophy. Therefore they are not able to give people any real benefit from hearing about Krishna. But when Srila Prabhupada saw how so many people were going to such events he said to some of his disciples: Why we do not organize such events and
explain to people what is real philosophy!
Preaching opportunity
Organizing bhagavatam saptaha is a great preaching opportunity for your local ISKCON temple and
it can bring many benefits such as:
People can connect more with ISKCON temple
People are encouraged to take part in temple activities
We can distribute Srila Prabhupada books
Everyone gets the association of devotees
People are encouraged to contribute to the temple with donations
Structure of our unique katha presentation consist of:
Our way of presentation of bhagavatam saptaha is a unique in the world. It’s done throug the
performance of many different tools and media connected to Bhagavatam such as:
Singing Bhagavatam shlokas
Narrating stories
Magic tricks
Explanation of verses according to previous acaryas and our own experience
Slide show presentation
Videos about katha performed
Videos from holy places
Diferent sound effects conected to naration of katha
Bharat natyam dance
Partners in organizing Bhagavatam katha
Such bhakti events can be organized in ISKCON temples or in cooperation with local Hindu
communities and organizations , Hindu embassies and important people in the community who can
be sponsors of such bhakti festivals. In the west, Bhagavatam saptahas are not so often organized, so they could be nice way to attract many people to Krishna. When katha is organized I prefer the
presence of ISKCON devotees, who should have there tables, whereby they can sell Srila Prabhupada books, paraphernalia, prasadam, etc.
Bhagavatam katha can be performed at places such us:
Iskcon Temples Hindu temples
Community centers
Private houses
Spiritual festivals
Yoga studios
List of Bhagavatam katha subject matters that we perform ( from 1st to 12th canto )
Narada Muni katha
Maharaj Parikshit katha
Kunti stuti – Maharani kunti ki prathana
Bhisma stuti – Pitamaha Bishma Varāha deva katha
Kapila Devahuti samvad
Dakṣa yagja
Bhakta Dhruva katha – Charita katha
Pṛthu Maharaj katha
Purañjana katha
Pracetās katha
Ṛṣabhadeva katha
Maharaja Bharata Katha
Ajamila katha
Vṛtrāsura katha
Citraketu katha
Bhakta Prahlāda katha – Prahlada charita
Gajendra Moksha katha
Samudra Mantan katha Bali Maharaja katha
Matsya avatara katha
Ambarish carita katha
Rama Lila katha
Paraśurāma katha
Yayati gita katha
24 gurus
Uddhava gita
Markandeya rishi charita Dashavatara katha
Sampurna Bhagavat Katha
Srimad Bhagavatam Mahatmya
List of subject of Bhagavatam kathas that we perform ( from 10th canto )
Krishna janma lila
Krishna bala lila
Putana vadha
Damodar lila
Brahma vimohana lila
Kaliya mardan
Gopi gita
Rasa lila
Rasa panca adyaya
Venu gita
Govardhana lila
Gopi vastra harana lila
Akrura Milan
Mathura Lila
Dwaraka Lila
Kurukshetra Lila
We also perform seminars and lectures on difertent subjects such as:
The art of storytelling Vraja – Land of God
5 limbs of Bhakti
Death – gate to immortality 64 qualitis of krishna
Enemies of the soul
6 steps to real love
Journey of Gop Kumar
The temple of the hearth
My relationship to Krishna
The art of transformation
Seing Krishna everywhere
The power of blessings
Emotions – essense of soul
Hospitality in Vedic culture
Vandanam – underszanding hearth of Krishna
Kirtan – singing for conection
(Subject-matter of katha to be performed is chosen by you or left to our inspiration)
Bhagavatam katha for children:
Children are the future of human society. Creating samskaras or spiritual impression in their minds should be started early, from childhood.
Following this instruction of Prahlad Maharaj, we have created a program to present Srimad
Bhagavatam to kids in a very unique way and, at the same time, very easy for them to understand.
Usually children are often seen as a disturbing element during katha due to an insufficient program for engaging them. But we want to give children a feeling that they are cared for.
Programs for kids can be performed during the katha in a separate room. This program can be performed at the weekend when children are free from school and other obligations.
Magic show
Magic show illustrating stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam.
Each child learns to offer incense, lamp, flower. After aratik, kirtan is sung by the children.
Search for Sita
Children become monkeys (imitating), get balloon swords, face-painting of their faces,
children make a bridge to cross the ocean.
There are different spiritual games which we perform with kids such as:
Demons in Vrindavana, imitating animals of Vraja, imitating activities of different avatars, churning the ocean of milk, steps to Vaikuntha, imitating Krishna’s games as a child, Hanuman hops.
Following the example of Krishna and his great devotees:
In all the games, children follow the example of how Krishna plays with his cowherd friends in the
forest of Vrindavana. It is said that Krishna would play all possible games in creation with his friends…
In the past great devotees of Lord Krishna have also played as children in a bhakti way.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam, we find how many great devotees of Krishna such as Uddhava and
Maharaja Parikshit started their lives playing not as ordinary children but playing with
dolls of Krishna, performing deity worship and performing spiritual festivals even as children. As a result of this early bhakti samskaras being implanted into their minds, they became great saints and devotees.
Extra programs:
We also have wonderful spiritual programs for schools and other child organizations where with our
program we cover different important topics for community such as nonviolence, spirituality, child education, healthy life style etc. By organizing such programs where we can have our presentations you can also have the activities of your organization promoted.
Western people doing Bhagavatam saptaha
We ( Madhucchanda das and Ojasvi das ) are one of the few western born people who perform Bhagavatam saptaha in the world. In these modern times when people are going away from their own Vedic tradition and culture, our presence is very encouraging. We are western devotees born
into a Christian religion and culture but we have accepted the Vedic culture and religion as our life
and soul, and have spent many years in India. To every Indian and Hindu, this should be an example
and inspiration to search for gems of spiritual wealth in their own religion and culture. Srila
Prabhupada addressed his western born devotees as white dancing elephants. In this way we can
attract people back to their original Vedic way of life and at the same time connect them to the organization of Iskcon.
Profile of the katha speaker – Madhucchanda das
Birth and childhood
Madhucchanda das is born in ancient land of Macedonia. (a country where many famous
personalities such as mother Teresa and Alexander the Great were born). As a child he was not really interested in playing normally as other children did. He was on spiritual search. He was
dreaming of traveling to India Born into the Christian Orthodox religion he tried to find answers to life’s questions such as: Who is God? Who am I? Is life eternal? Is there life after death? But he
could not find the answers. So he turned his studies to other world religions but nowhere was his thirst satisfied.
Srimad Bhagavatam
At the age of 16 he come across the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad- Gita and they would
become his life’s guidance. They were the answers to all his questions. His thirst for God and bhakti had finally been fullfiled. So, at the age of 16, he started learning and studying Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita.
Study and life in India
He traveled in India where he lived for many years and studied under many saints and pandits. He
studied subjects on the Indian culture such as sanskrit, yoga, jyotish and finally Srimad
Bhagavatam. He traveled across India where he visited hundreds of holy places, met many sadhus and also spread glory of Bhagavatam Dharma.
Finally he arrived at the Holy Sri Vrindava Dham, the place of Krishnas eternal pastimes. His heart
became so very attracted to Vraja that he didnt wanted to go anywhere else in the world. In his search for Krishna, he wandered all over the holy places of Vraja Mandala parikrama.
Iskcon and his Guru
His Search brought him to the Hare Krishna movement, formally known as The International
Society for Krishna Consciousness ( Iskcon ) and its founder-acarya Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada. He became an Iskcon member. By divine arrangement and guidance he came
to meet his divine guru His Holines Srila Sacinandana Swami who has given him many valuable spiritual instructions. From Sacinandana Swami he received diksha initiation and in this way he
become a member of a glorious guru – sisya parampara known as Brahma – Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya .
Exceptional story teller
He is very much dedicated to telling stories about Krishna in very unique way. At his kathas you
can listen to thousands of stories which illustrate spiritual points and teachings of the Srimad Bhagavatam.
Present life
At the present time he is based in Croatia where he lives with his wife and his son Manu. His work
and service has taken him all over world to many countries such as Austria, Greece, Japan,
Malaysia, Hungary, Hong Kong, Germany, Croatia and in many of these places he has lectured on the Srimad Bhagavatam.
Profile of Katha bhajan singer – Ojasvi das
Ojasvi was born in 1975 and from childhood was very attracted with music and its aspect by which it describes intimacy of the soul, but until war in Bosnia that was just a unnoticed thing.
These circumstances in its own way provoked it to come to surface.
By studying ancient Vedas during this time his experience of this phenomena was directed
practically to singing of traditional Indian style of music.
By the end of the war he left for India( Bengal, Delhi, Vrndavan ) to come in touch with original
dimension of this expression of the heart.
In the next 20 years he studied and explored different depths of singing, especially kirtan style.
He started travelling to many countries sharing the experiences of deepest needs of the heart
through kirtan and psychology of understanding the needs which every living entity has, in order to awake understanding of Self, Godand the connection between them (yoga).
He is a bhajan singer who with his bhajans take an audience to another spiritual dimension. He is
the only western singer who can so nicely sing even traditional Vrijavasi and Hindi bhajans.
He has traveled all over the world and has performed his bhajans at kathas and bhakti festivals in
places such as Germany, Belgium, UK, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Estonia, Malaysia, Serbia, Croatia, India, Delhi, Vrindavan, Mayapur.
With his beautiful bhajans, he accompanies the kathas performed by Madhucchanda das.
Steps for organizing Bhagavatam katha:
Once you have decided to invite us to perform Bhagavatam saptaha at an event you are organizing, there are few things to be managed for the successful realization of the project.
Here are some guidelines:
1. Send us the katha registration form that is on our web page: and give us a more detailed view about the organization of the katha.
2. We will send you a reply within 7 days.
3. If you like we can provide you with materials for katha invitation in electronic format so you can print or share information on your web page, facebook or any other media.
4. Finally katha is to be performed for the pleasure and benefit of all!