Gurukula Headmaster meets Minister

Hare KrishnaBy Syama Sakhi devi dasi

Recently, Gurukula principal, Vinod Bihari dasa, joined 29 other principals and Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, in a meeting organised by the AIS (Australian Independent Schools of NSW) in Sydney. Vinod Bihari gave a presentation on the programs implemented by the Gurukula that have led to such enormous success. Vinod Bihari talked about how the school is focusing on best instructional practices that tailor to student learning. The Gurukula has also pioneered a coaching model whereby a specialist educator from the US gives real-time feedback to teachers in the classroom. Education Minister Adrian Piccoli expressed a genuine interest in knowing more about the Hare Krishna School. The Minister left his entourage to spend some time alone with Vinod Bihari looking at a photographic presentation of the school on a nearby wall, and hearing about the Gurukula’s teaching and welfare programs. Minister Piccoli expressed that after his conversation with Vinod, his impression of the Hare Krishnas changed by 180 degrees for the better. The AIS Public profile page commented how Mr Piccoli specifically noted how much he enjoyed meeting Vinod Bihari. The Tweed Weekly and Tweed Daily interviewed Vinod and published articles acknowledging the school’s ongoing successes.


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